SA Jewish Rootsbank

The South African Jewish Database

Jewish Migration and Genealogy

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find relatives on the database?

You can search for people on the site by entering a name or surname into the search box. The system will then search all the names until it finds a match. From the Search page, you can search through all the lists, by entering a name in the search box. Alternatively, you can click to select a particular list and then search only in that list.

What if I spell the name wrong?

The site uses a ‘Soundex’, which means that it will search for and return any names which sound similar to the one you type in, this means you do not have to have the precise spelling of the name. Just check the box that says "Similar sounding names".

What if I find a mistake?

Much of the data we have came directly from the original handwritten records. The records were transcribed and then added to the database. If you do find errors in the data, please let us know.

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